Scratch X WWF-Canada
Scratch X WWF-Canada

The campaign:

Celebrate the
Gift of Wildlife

The Challenge
In the dense, digital jungle of fundraising, Scratch faced a wild challenge when tasked with developing a campaign theme for WWF-Canada's Symbolic Adoptions program. Picture this: over 40 species vying for attention, each hoping to be symbolically adopted through their online store as a quirky yet meaningful gift. The mission? To turn the act of donating into a roaring adventure that not only delighted adults but also captured the imaginations of the plush animal-receiving kids. It was a jungle out there, and our creative machetes were at the ready to carve a path toward engaging hearts, minds, and wallets for the cause of helping wildlife thrive.

Please note that no animals were harmed in the writing of the preceding paragraph…unless you count the reader…enough with the jungle references already!!
The Strategy

Develop a holiday campaign to encourage the purchase of a plush species or merchandise items in support of WWF-Canada’s conservation projects.
Campaign Concept Development
  • Brainstorm and pitch several campaign ideas that reflect values and goals of the organization. The result was the development a campaign name (Celebrate the Gift of Wildlife) that incorporated several critical elements (gifting, enthusiasm, wildlife) as well as the establishing the program in a very competitive charitable donation environment

  • Design and thoroughly develop the campaign that included a central theme, tagline, typography, colours, and graphic elements.
Product Photography & Videoshoot Execution
  • Managed a complicated 2-day photoshoot with multiple products and several actors (children and adults) 

  • This photoshoot would serve as the basis for all creative material in the year-long campaign 
Design Executions 
Each design execution was completed in both English and French. The specifications for each piece were quite detailed and predefined before development.
  • Print catalogue
  • Free-standing insert (FSI)
  • Digital & social ad creative 
  • Creative for WWF-Canada digital properties 
  • Fall newsletter ads 
  • Calendar ads 
  • Holiday cards 
  • Out-of-home ads 
  • TV spot for broadcast 
  • Radio ad campaign 

The Results:

Asked to expand campaign with development and management of television and radio commercials based on success of photoshoot

Significant increase in donations during the campaign timeframe as well as number of participants in the program

Sold out of several key plush animals (Jaguar, Tree Frog and Octopus)

Asked to expand campaign with development and management of television and radio commercials based on success of photoshoot

Program continues to drive sales after the initial campaign; requested to develop additional holiday/seasonal assets


Before we get to work, you should talk to us about talking about you so we can regale you with the amazing work we’ve done, introduce our team of strategic and creative experts, and ensure you’re feeling great about your future [marketing, PR, communications, SEO, development, paid media, content, and accessibility] efforts.

    28 Madison Ave. | Toronto, ON | M5R 2S1 | 416.535.0636 |

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