
The Honda/Acura training team wanted to develop an internal support tool to aid sales associates and service advisors when engaging with customers. As technology partner to HighTest, Scratch delivered a solution that helped dealer reps gain access to this vital product  information quickly and easily, improving sales team confidence and competency. Working directly with Honda, we were thrilled to launch Edge, an iOS/Android application, and website solution, across both internal brands.  


The Honda/Acura training team wanted to develop an internal support tool to aid sales associates and service advisors when engaging with customers. As technology partner to HighTest, Scratch delivered a solution that helped dealer reps gain access to this vital product information quickly and easily, improving sales team confidence and competency. Working directly with Honda, we were thrilled to launch Edge, an iOS/Android application, and website solution, across both internal brands.  

The Edge app we developed provided access to key product features, functions, and competitor analysis when engaging with prospective customers. The user experience was a critical element to this program as we needed associates to be able to gain access to information quickly and efficiently. Particular attention was paid to UI/UX from the onset of development.
The launch of Edge was so successful, that it was recently updated and re-released to support all service and head office users (approximately 15,000+ users). From a technical aspect, the application utilizes SAML/SSO integration with Honda’s various platforms, utilizes APIs to gain access to real-time pricing and vehicle specifications, has social features such as bookmarking, sharing, user generated content  (commenting, photos, videos), detailed reporting, and a whole host of interactive features. This in an ongoing evolving platform and Scratch continues to work with HighTest to add new content and updates for the ultimate user experience.


Before we get to work, you should talk to us about talking about you so we can regale you with the amazing work we’ve done, introduce our team of strategic and creative experts, and ensure you’re feeling great about your future [marketing, PR, communications, SEO, development, paid media, content, and accessibility] efforts.

    28 Madison Ave. | Toronto, ON | M5R 2S1 | 416.535.0636 | itch@scratchagency.ca

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