
Driven by Terry Fox’s courage and determination, the Terry Fox Foundation has been working for over four decades to bring Canadians together to realize Terry Fox’s dream of a world without cancer.

For 8 years, Scratch has led the Terry Fox Foundation website redesign and redevelopment. In that time, we have overhauled the brand's digital and physical assets, and optimized its social and IRL presence. Scratch's efforts ensure Terry Fox and the Foundation’s misson and vision retain supporters while connecting and building relevance with up-and-coming generations across Canada.

Driven by Terry Fox’s courage and determination, the Terry Fox Foundation has been working for over four decades to bring Canadians together to realize Terry Fox’s dream of a world without cancer.

For 8 years, Scratch has led the Terry Fox Foundation website redesign and redevelopment, overhauled digital and physical assets year-over-year, event-to-event, and optimized the brand’s social and IRL presence to ensure Terry Fox and the Foundation’s mission and vision retain supporters while connecting and building relevance with up-and-coming generations across Canada. 
Scratch streamlined the Terry Fox Foundation website by improving navigation and efficiency, revising the donation process, and enhancing the site’s overall architecture.

Tool Kit

The Terry Fox Foundation’s school, run, and fundraising efforts are fuelled and propelled by public support and engagement, so Scratch is constantly developing an arsenal of digital assets that can be easily accessed and downloaded by participants, organizers, and fundraisers alike.
School, run, and fundraising events were all set up as interactive maps utilizing Google Maps API, Front Stream Donation and Events API.

Improvements were also made to the brand’s SEO to optimize organic search. Ultimately, all of the changes made resulted in a traffic increase of 120% and donations increased over 300% in 2021.
Scratch is proud to have supported the Terry Fox Foundation’s incredible “I’m Not A Quitter” campaign, led by No Fixed Address and Douglas Coupland, which won Strategy Magazine’s Marketing Award - Bronze (Public Service Advertising) in 2022. 

Scratch designed, developed, and supported all website components of the campaign, which increased early registrations by 152% compared to 2019 (previously the highest year). The campaign garnered more than 145M impressions and raised more than $300,000 for cancer research.


Before we get to work, you should talk to us about talking about you so we can regale you with the amazing work we’ve done, introduce our team of strategic and creative experts, and ensure you’re feeling great about your future [marketing, PR, communications, SEO, development, paid media, content, and accessibility] efforts.

    28 Madison Ave. | Toronto, ON | M5R 2S1 | 416.535.0636 | itch@scratchagency.ca

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