
Tempstar, a Carrier company, stands at the forefront of the heating and cooling equipment industry, with a network of over 350 dealers nationwide. Over the past seven years, Scratch has developed an effective seasonal marketing campaign for Tempstar. This campaign focuses on promoting Tempstar air conditioning products in the spring and heating products in the fall, seamlessly blending multiple digital and offline components to achieve remarkable success.


Before we get to work, you should talk to us about talking about you so we can regale you with the amazing work we’ve done, introduce our team of strategic and creative experts, and ensure you’re feeling great about your future [marketing, PR, communications, SEO, development, paid media, content, and accessibility] efforts.

    28 Madison Ave. | Toronto, ON | M5R 2S1 | 416.535.0636 | itch@scratchagency.ca

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