Bosch: Dinner Party Done Right
Bosch: Dinner Party Done Right

Bosch makes kitchen appliances that are invented for life. With an enduring commitment to quality and design, their products leave you free to savour all of life’s joyous moments. Bosch, in every detail.

For almost 10 years, Scratch has been working with the Bosch national account team to deliver impactful, breakthrough programs that leverage the unique benefits of the brand. Challenged to produce creative that rose above the clutter, was cost effective to develop, and possessed that “wow” factor, Dinner Party Done Right kitchen suite video is the perfect example of a campaign that is “savoured” by consumer and client alike.

Bosch makes kitchen appliances that are invented for life. With an enduring commitment to quality and design, their products leave you free to savour all of life’s joyous moments. Bosch, in every detail.

For almost 10 years, Scratch has been working with the Bosch national account team to deliver impactful, breakthrough programs that leverage the unique benefits of the brand. Challenged to produce creative that rose above the clutter, was cost effective to develop, and possessed that “wow” factor, Dinner Party Done Right kitchen suite video is the perfect example of a campaign that is “savoured” by consumer and client alike.
Cost Effective

Scratch presented a campaign for a commercial video shoot encompassing all aspects of the Bosch kitchen appliance suite. More specifically, we developed a video highlighting the product features and benefits of a premium refrigerator, induction range and best in class dishwasher. The larger video was then edited to create engaging videos that can be used for pre-roll, social media, and display ads. It can also be edited into shorter 30 second product videos, and 15 second micro-videos for product features. And rounding out the many uses of this video, still photography was used for future in-store and out of home media opportunities. One shoot, many executions!

The results:

Delivered unprecedented sales and results for Bosch at (15% increase in contribution margin; 100% increase in net online sales)

Generated 211 million impressions – 21% increase from previous year / almost 4 million clicks – up 200% from previous year / 1.87% click thru rate – 2x the industry average

Used as a centrepiece for the Home Hardware Bosch landing page

Winner of the prestigious KAM Excellence Award in 2022


Before we get to work, you should talk to us about talking about you so we can regale you with the amazing work we’ve done, introduce our team of strategic and creative experts, and ensure you’re feeling great about your future [marketing, PR, communications, SEO, development, paid media, content, and accessibility] efforts.

    28 Madison Ave. | Toronto, ON | M5R 2S1 | 416.535.0636 |

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